BIO . . .
Dan and his beautiful wife Soiky, from Venezuela, have been married for fourteen years. They moved from Virginia Beach to New York’s Capital District in 2009. Dan graduated from the US Merchant Marine Academy (B.S., ’98) and Regent University (M.Div., ’08). He is a licensed church planting pastor for the CCCC denomination, is the author of the book Better For Life: Turning Financial Hardship into Your Finest Hour, and works as an engineer in the Albany area. Dan remains smitten by his loving wife and four adorable kids. The Jones family enjoys outdoor activities during New York’s warmer months, watching Christian movies in the colder months, and hosting Denver Broncos football parties for friends.
Check out Dan's book "Better For Life: Turning Financial Hardship Into Your Finest Hour." Available on Amazon.
Growing up, my family attended a small Baptist church in Denver before moving to the mountains of Colorado where our church attendance dwindled. A director at a local Christian youth camp sponsored me to attend youth camps, which was my only real connection to Christianity. Without a church home or Christian mentor, I walked my own path in life without God from middle school years and though college. My mom convinced me to bring a Bible to my final year of college. From time to time I would read a Bible verse and imagine what it would be like if God loved me. I did not believe that God could love me, so all I could do was to wish that somehow He could. Late that year, God demonstrated His love for me as I reached my goal as a track decathlete. I broke down weeping on the field. For the first time in my life, I felt like God was for me and not against me, and that He wanted to help me do exciting things in life. God spoke to my heart that day, and I have felt loved by Him ever since. After college I found a church home, where I began learning of God’s great love for me that caused Him to send His Son Jesus Christ to save me from the power, the practice, and the penalty of my sin. Since then I have been through tough times and terrific times. But through it all, one thing has remained true: the God of the universe has kept me close to His heart. And He continues to transform me daily so I can live-out His exciting adventure for my life! I am passionate about connecting people with God so they can experience God’s love, be transformed by His grace, and discover the exciting adventure that God has awaiting them!
"And he said, “O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!”" –Daniel 10:19